For guidance on COVID-19 National Lockdown...
COVID-19 Tier 4 Restrictions
Superseded by National Lockdown Guidance For information on COVID-19 Tier 4 Restrictions...
Town Council Precept 2021/2022
Reduction in Parish Tax for 2021/2022 Your Council Tax is made up of various constituent parts for the services provided by; Oxfordshire County Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames...
Gesælige Cristesmæsse Wanating!
Made you look! To find out what this means read the Town Newsletter Issue 2 (December 2020) which is now available online for those who have not received it yet. Here is the link if you missed...
UPDATED – Draft Wantage Neighbourhood Plan & Survey
The Town Council has published an update to the draft Wantage Neighbourhood Plan. Regretfully the Plan was rejected by an inspector in 2016 relating to the proposed town centre and greenspaces...
Town Mayor’s Christmas Carols
COVID 19 – Safer Public Spaces – Market Place Pedestrianisation Survey
Firstly, a huge thank you to all who engaged with the survey. It will help the council so much when making decisions about this. Thank you also to the Chamber of Commerce for their survey of...
Sustainable Wantage Community Survey
Can you help us by filling in this survey? Sustainable Wantage, who run The Mix Community Space, and support several... Posted by Sustainable Wantage on Monday, 16 November...
COVID-19 Safer Public Spaces –
Market Place Pedestrianisation & Survey
Safer Public Spaces In order to facilitate better social distanced areas within the Market Place and to encourage a safer environment for visiting businesses in the town, Wantage Town Council,...
Opening Wantage Town Centre Safely
The Council and its staff would like residents to be assured that we are working hard behind the scenes to find ways, in line with Government policy, of creating a town centre environment that feels...