Joint Committees
Wantage and Grove Traffic Advisory Committee
Councillor Dr Iain Cameron
Councillor Tony Gilhome
Councillor Sinclair Third
Sue Thwaite – Wantage & District Mobility Group (seconded)
Other Bodies
Vale and Downland Museum (Wantage)
Councillor Dr Iain Cameron (Chairman and Trustee)
Letcombe Brook Project
Councillor Richard Fitzjohn
Councillor Tony Gilhome
Councillor Peter Kirby-Harris
Vale Community Impact
Councillor Dr Chris Walters
Parish Transport Representative
Councillor Tony Gilhome
Executive Committee of Wantage, Grove and District Twinning Association
Councillor Jenny Hannaby
Dickensian Evening Working Party
Councillor Jenny Hannaby
Councillor Patrick O’Leary
Councillor Sinclair Third
Friends of Sweatbox
Councillor Peter Kirby-Harris
Councillor Alistair Menzies
Wantage and Grove Community Led Children’s Services
Councillor Dr Chris Walters
Robert Stiles Almhouse
Councillor Erik Johnson (Trustee)