Wantage Town Council Launches Climate Change Initiative
Wantage Town Council has added its voice to the growing environmental debate by declaring a Climate Emergency and establishing a new Sub Committee to help the Town Act on this. At its inaugural meeting this month Councillors pledged to take into account the environmental impact of its decisions and also to reach out to the local community, both householders and businesses. A budget of £10,000 – in part funded from savings made elsewhere – has been established to assist local projects that will contribute to the reduction of our carbon footprint. The new Committee Chair, Dr Angela Dunford says “ We look forward to working with local partner organisations, individuals and businesses to promote initiatives that will have a positive environmental impact. Whether it’s community tree planting, waste reduction, energy advice or many other areas, we believe we owe it to future generations to play our small part in this global issue,”
Vice-Chair Erik Johnson added, “ Meetings of the Committee will be open to the public and we would encourage anyone with an interest or positive suggestions to contribute. Alternatively, ideas and suggestions can be sent to the Town Council. “
Contact details, meeting dates and rules available on the website.