Sharing surplus
If you have surplus produce from your allotment you might wish to consider sharing with one of these community
The Mix Community Fridge
Address: 15 Mill Street, Wantage, OX12 9AB
Would welcome: Any surplus produce
Drop off times: Mon 1.15-2pm, Wed 9.30am – 1pm, Fri 9-10am, Sat 9-10am
Donations will be used for: giving away through our Community Fridge
Any questions? Contact:
Around Table
Address: Holy Trinity, Charlton Village Road, Wantage, OX12 7HW
Would welcome: Any surplus produce
Drop off times: Mon or Tues 9-11am, please leave at back door of Holy Trinity Charlton
Donations will be used for: making free meals for those in our local community
Any questions? Contact: James, 07951 498285
Cornerstone Cafe
Address: 10 Savile Way, Grove, Wantage, OX12 0PT
Would welcome: Any veg, fruit or herbs
Drop off times: Mon – Fri, ideally between 9.30-11am, 2.30-4pm is also ok.
Donations will be used for: making soups, salads, cakes and desserts for the Cafe.
Any questions? Contact:
Down to Earth Community Cafe
Address: The Old Stables, Stirling Close, Wantage, OX12 7AU
Would welcome: Any veg, fruit or herbs
Drop off times:. between 10am-12pm or 2-3pm Tues-Fri, just pop your head in the back door.
Donations will be used for: Making meals and cakes for the Community Cafe or as ingredients for training sessions
/ Chop and Chat groups
Any questions? Contact: