
Let’s Paint Wantage Green!

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. It takes place from 7th to 15th June 2025, and we want Wantage to take part! If you are a community group, bus driver, sports club, artist, place of worship, library, local business – or just someone who cares about climate change – you can apply for Wantage Town Council Funding to host a Great Big Green Week event in Wantage. We want to see all kinds of events, from clothes or book swaps to skill swaps in allotments or upcycling workshops, to knowledge swaps on discussion panels or wildlife reserves. Anything that celebrates local activity and raises the profile of climate change. You can apply for up to £250 to run your event by completing an application form. Contact Wantage Town Council by calling 01235 763459 or emailing for a form or download here. The deadline for applications is midday on Friday 7th March 2025. All events must take place in Wantage between 7th and 15th June 2025. If you want more information about Great Big Green Week or how to run an event, visit